Fumani | 'Tell Me'

UbuntuFM Hip-Hop | Fumani | 'Tell Me'

This one is a phenomenal song

‘Tell Me’ is a very expressive song conveyed in a rich vocal tone and accentuated in the mood of the instrumental accompaniment. In every sense, it is your classic RnB deserving of a chance in standing the test of time. It is very tempting to delve into the fine details of this song, and it won’t be out of place to make the attempt. 

The vocal quality comes naturally and unadulterated in its melody. You can very much easily feel the honesty in the vocals as they convey without effort the mood of the song. Funami sure is an original. This can’t be argued after an episode of listening to this song. Still, we can’t talk about the vocals without making mention of the backup vocals; it fades in and out like a character behind the curtains, to be felt but never to be seen. It is one of the subtle complements to this song, contributing to its rhythm and everything remarkable about it.

Lyrically, ‘Tell Me’ comes expressive. It is an expression of love for a woman, asking that she sees in the lyricist what she hopes and looks for in a man. Hope is expressed in the lyrics and one tends to wonder if this hope could be met or forgone. There is no way of knowing; one can only guess as no hint is given beyond the revelation that wooing the lady in question is the subject around which the lyrics of the song are centered. 

The instrumental accompaniment for the song is quite sparse and can be somewhat described as subtle. This is quite stylish as it makes one understand that, perhaps, the song is meant to owe its strength to the vocals. And sure, the mechanics of the song achieves this; if one is to hold onto the belief that this is the aim behind the sparse instrumental accompaniment.

This song is highly recommended; it is soothing as well as entertaining if the listener sets out to listen to tasteful RnB. The lyrics are quite catchy and the rhythm memorable; soon after listening to the song, it clings to your mind like a pleasant aftertaste.

This one is a phenomenal song.

  • Song: Tell Me
  • Artist: Fumani
  • Composer: Fumani Mahane, Milandru Mapengo
  • ISRC: ZA4FA1600041 /00868456091
  • Publisher: Milandru Publishing
  • Label: Milandru Music
  • IPI: 00695662592